Post Your Successful Diesel Mods At Dieseldatabase

Have you completed a successful mod on your diesel truck? and did you take pictures and discovered tips that might help others? Your post is welcome here. All you have to do is register on this site. Then contact us via the the contact form on the ABOUT page (see menu), letting us know you […]

Exhaust Stacks

I built this setup from scratch and ran it for only 1 month before removing and reinstalling my 4″ system. This system sounded very good but had some draw backs that I couldn’t live with including noise and smoke for passengers in the back and soot showers on startup after a rain or carwash (there […]

Dodge 12V Cummins Throttle Cable Replacement

Throttle cable failure has been common on 1994 – 1998 12 valve diesel engines, usually after about 30,000 miles on the cable. I am now on my third cable, and am curious to see if the new design will be more reliable. Twice I have managed to replace my cable in the nick of time […]

Performance Chip Comparisons

Fueling and Timing Boxes Etc… Edge Products ( Edge has a variety of products to unleash the potential of this monster delivering gains up to 120 horsepower and up to 350 foot pounds of torque. The Edge Comp module maximizes engine efficiency by monitoring the RPM, timing, turbo boost pressure and fueling parameters. The module […]

Twin Turbos on a Powerstroke Diesel

A big thanks goes to John Anderson for being the Pioneer on this type of project and sharing his project with all of us. In that same spirit, I threw some pics into a collage to be able to share what I can now, until I can do a formal write up for this site. […]

24V Transmission Band Adjustment

One of the most frequent questions I get on the Cummins powered Dodge trucks is transmission related. The Dodge automatic tranny is very robust and does what it was intended to do very well. But given the reputation for massive torque that the Cummins engine provides, many times the transmission is asked to do far […]

Clamp On Isspro Thermocoupler

Locate the pipe running from the exhaust manifold on the drivers side over to the turbo. About 2″ above where this pipe attaches to the exhaust manifold a hole can be drilled to accommodate the thermocouple. Start with a small drill bit and work up to 1/4″ one bit size at a time making sure […]

Triple Turbos on a Powerstroke Diesel

THREE Turbos on a PSD!?! Well, it just had to be done. And it was a lot easier the second time around! Click HERE to see the build-up of the Twins. Much the same work and process was involved to create Stage 3, HT4B into HT3B into OEM Garrett. I really don’t know what to […]

Homemade Traction Bars

With the addition of the 33″ BFG’s and the Detroit Locker, I could feel some wheel hop, with the only real mod being the addition of the 70 hp chip.  Anticipating the increased horsepower my PSD will be putting out, I decided to add traction bars to the rear axle.  Trying to save money for […]

Dodge Cummins 12V Dowel Repair

Several people on the TDR website showed interest in learning more about the work involved in replacing a broken timing gear housing from damage caused by the upper dowel pin working its way loose. You first remove the bumper, fan, radiator and loosen the A/C condenser. It is possible to remove the intercooler without breaking […]

12V Cummins Fuel System Diagram

Here is a diagram for the 12V Dodge Cummins Fuel System. [Click on image for larger version]

Dodge Diesel Truck Buyers Guide

Every Vehicle, Every Model On earth has its fair share of issues, And our CTD/RAMS are no exception This article is not meant to point out problems you’re going to have its just a heads up to some common known issues. To Learn Even More Join These Problems Affect all Years: Steering wander, 5th […]

Glossary of Diesel Abbreviations

2WD Two Wheel Drive 4WD Four Wheel Drive AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact – used by many on mail lists and message boards ABS Anti-lock Brake System: Modulates braking pressure to control wheel lockup ACM Airbag Controller Module: monitors sensors and deploys airbag(s) in the event of an accident ACT Air Charge Temperature ACV […]

Dodge 12V Cummins Fuel Shutdown Solenoid

To check the fuel solenoid adjustment: 1. Turn the key on but do not bump the starter 2. Get under hood and pull up the solenoid by hand (it will stay up when you let go). 3. Measure from the bottom of the solenoid mounting bracket to the top of the lever pin as shown […]

Mixing Gasoline with Diesel Caution

At one time information was released suggesting that a small amount of gasoline mixed with diesel fuel for use in cold weather was an acceptable practice. This information was eventually retracted due to conditions that may result from such a mixture. First and foremost is a safety factor. The gasoline fumes from gasoline are very […]

My Glowplug Relay Bypass System

There have been many threads on the glow plug relay bypass idea discussing how and when to turn off the relay, and even whether or not it is a good idea at all. I have come up with a combination of ideas that I feel is the best scenario. How the glow plugs work depends […]