Here’s the stock Horse Power Rating for Cummins / Ram Trucks Year Transmission Stock HP 1994 Auto 160 1994 Manual 175 1994 1 Ton 240 1995 Auto 160 1995 Manual 175 1996 Auto 180 1996 Manual 215 1996 California 180 1997 Auto 180 1997 Manual 215 1997 California 180 1998 12V Auto 180 1998 12V […]
Cummins 12V Fuel PreFilter Cleaning
The maintenance schedule in the owners manual indicates the “strainer” should be cleaned at 12000 mile intervals at the same time the fuel filter is replaced. This is for both the “A” and “B” maintenance schedules. In the instructions in the service manual for replacing the fuel filter it states “Whenever the fuel filter is […]
Dodge 24V IAT Sensor Cleaning
This is an article for cleaning the IAT sensor on the 1998-2002 24V diesel engine. The IAT sensor measures the temperature of the intake manifold. The ECM uses this sensor reading to set injection timing and adjust the air-fuel ratio. If the fuel mileage and power output of you engine seem low, some owners have […]
Dodge Diesel Frantz Oil Filter
Significant interest, and LOTS of misconception surrounds bypass oil filters in general – and the Frantz TP filters especially, tho’ the same general construction is also used for the several paper towel bypass filters as well. Bypass oil filtration differs from the stock full-flow filters used on all modern engines, including our Cummins, in that […]
12V Cummins Thermostat Replacement
Symptom/Condition: The vehicle may not warm completely, especially in cold ambient temperatures. This condition may be due to a thermostat that is stuck in the partial open position by debris in the cooling system. NOTE: THE COOLING SYSTEM USED ON THE CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINE EQUIPPED VEHICLES PROVIDES THE CAPACITY AND PROTECTION OF THE HIGHER GVWR […]
Cleaning Stickum Left From Vinyl
Just after the winter began winding down and the weather was beginning to warm up, I removed a large 30″ x 18″ vinyl sticker from the tailgate of my truck. No matter how much heat was applied, the back of the sticker refused to come loose. I tried everything, Goof-Off®, fingernail polish remover, paint thinner, […]
Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement
(1) you need to disconnect both negative battery cables at both batteries. I used a 1/2 inch deep socket to remove the cables from the battery terminals. (2) Remove starter motor to get to CKP. The sensor is located on the driver’s side of the engine with the starter motor placed in front of it. […]
Automotive Formulas
How To Calculate CFM: Engine size (CID) x maximum RPM / 3456 = CFM CFM @ 100% volumetric efficiency Cylinder volume (displacement): 3.1416 x bore x bore x stroke Compression ratio: Vi ñ V2(Where Vi is total volume of one cylinder and V2 is volume of space above piston at top of stroke) Brake Horsepower […]
Post Your Successful Diesel Mods At Dieseldatabase
Have you completed a successful mod on your diesel truck? and did you take pictures and discovered tips that might help others? Your post is welcome here. All you have to do is register on this site. Then contact us via the the contact form on the ABOUT page (see menu), letting us know you […]