Click the link below for the pdf version of Cummins Motor Parts and Prices Cummins Motor Parts and Prices
Click the link below for the pdf version of Cummins Motor Parts and Prices Cummins Motor Parts and Prices
Work Performed On: 2002 CTD Estimated time of Completion: 2 Hrs Parts Required: Brake Shoes, Brake Cleaner, Brake Fluid, Little Helper Tools Required: 1/2 Inch Drive Ratchet, Cheater Pipe, 2 Extensions, 15/16 6 pt Socket, 7/32 Allen Wrench, 16 MM 12 pt Socket, Big Strait Screw Driver, Floor Jack, Penetrating Oil, 3/8 inch wrench Product […]
Click picture for a full size view. Click on the product titles below for a link to a dealer OuterWears FAQs (Questions About Prefilters) Why do I need a Pre-Filter? How does a Pre-Filter work? Will adding a Pre-filter reduce my airflow or horsepower? Will the Pre-Filters work on paper filters? How much dirt will […]
Here are some comparison photos of After Market Turbos compared to Stock Equipment Click on images for a larger view. Thanks To : Henry H Wyatt II From left to right 02′ Stock, HX 40, HT3B (from piers street twin setup) HY35 vs B 1-2 Thanks To : Bill Soule
When in the process of bombing a CTD you will have to increase your fuel. With the increase of fuel comes an increase in heat. You can safely run 1200° once in a while but major failure can occur if your running at high heat conditions for a period of time. To keep things cooled […]
Complaint ————-> Probable Cause WillNotStart HardToStart StartsAndStalls DiesOnDeceleration RunsRough LackOfPower BlackSmoke WhiteSmoke Low Cranking Speed X X Incorrect StartingProcedure X X Some or All Glow Plugs Bad X X X X No Fuel to Cylinders X […]
DODGE #727-D TRANSMISSION PAN Please read these instructions and parts list completely before installing this new transmission pan. Consult your owner’s or shop manual for transmission fluid requirements. TOOLS REQUIRED 1/2 socket wrench and driver (for removing the old cover) 1/4 allen bit with a 3/8 ratchet drive (1/4 allen key is furnished) 3/16 allen […]
Here’s the stock Horse Power Rating for Cummins / Ram Trucks Year Transmission Stock HP 1994 Auto 160 1994 Manual 175 1994 1 Ton 240 1995 Auto 160 1995 Manual 175 1996 Auto 180 1996 Manual 215 1996 California 180 1997 Auto 180 1997 Manual 215 1997 California 180 1998 12V Auto 180 1998 12V […]
As you know the block heater plug on our trucks are located in the front bumper and this is where they stay for most people. Some have put a plug recessed into the bumper to make it look nicer then having a cord dangling there. In my case being a Firefighter the way I park […]
Use a pipe cleaner or a piece of wire to knock scale and dirt from the water pump weep hole. 1st and 2nd generation (every 12000 miles): 1: From above and just in front of the alternator pulley, look down to the water pump. 2: The weep hole is at about the 7:00 position, below […]