Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner Add-On Shift Light Install Sheet Stewart Warner Add-On Shift Light Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]
Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B806 Exhaust Temp Gauge Install Sheet Stewart Warner B806 Exhaust Temp Gauge Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]
PYRO: Temperatures will vary whenever the throttle is moved or the terrain changes. The peak number is the most important while towing, the ISB can be safely run up to 1450 for short bursts and 1350 all day long. This number is strongly affected by modifications weather it be Air flow or Fuel delivery. If […]
A. THERMOCOUPLE INSTALLATION – The R650 Thermocouple mounts into a 1/4″ pipe thread. If the exhaust manifold is already drilled and tapped, install the thermocouple at that location. If none is provided, make a 3/4″ hole in the exhaust pipe, not more than 6″ below the exhaust-manifold-to-exhaust-pipe connection and weld the R680 bushing into the […]