The steps for turning up a P7100 pump are: 1) Remove your AFC Housing 2) Mod Your Fuel Plate either slide it forward or purchase a cut one 3) Adjust the governor lever to contact the fuel plate 4) Crank the star Wheel Towards the motor 5) Slide The AFC housing all the way forward […]
Author Archives: unknown
Turbo Troubleshooting Chart
Click on Image for a Larger View [thanks to Garrett used with permission]
Diesel Troubleshooting Chart
Complaint ————-> Probable Cause WillNotStart HardToStart StartsAndStalls DiesOnDeceleration RunsRough LackOfPower BlackSmoke WhiteSmoke Low Cranking Speed X X Incorrect StartingProcedure X X Some or All Glow Plugs Bad X X X X No Fuel to Cylinders X […]
Transmission Pan Installation Guide
DODGE #727-D TRANSMISSION PAN Please read these instructions and parts list completely before installing this new transmission pan. Consult your owner’s or shop manual for transmission fluid requirements. TOOLS REQUIRED 1/2 socket wrench and driver (for removing the old cover) 1/4 allen bit with a 3/8 ratchet drive (1/4 allen key is furnished) 3/16 allen […]
12V TPS Wiring Diagram
For TPS adjustment, Joe G. suggested using a potentiometer in the ground circuit. I decided to try it and It really gives a much better range of adjustment than elongating holes in the TPS body. Here is a schematic drawing showing how to wire it. Using the above circuit, adjusting the potentiometer adds resistance to […]
12V Cummins TPS Adjustment
Caution: Before testing the TPS, verify that the engine is set at correct low idle speed. 1- After Confirming the correct linkage adjustment and idle speed , proceed to the following. 2- Attach a Paper Clip into the center terminal of the TPS electrical connector. Do not remove the connector from the TPS for this […]
Dodge 12V Cummins Throttle Cable Replacement
12V Cummins Thermostat Replacement
Symptom/Condition: The vehicle may not warm completely, especially in cold ambient temperatures. This condition may be due to a thermostat that is stuck in the partial open position by debris in the cooling system. NOTE: THE COOLING SYSTEM USED ON THE CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINE EQUIPPED VEHICLES PROVIDES THE CAPACITY AND PROTECTION OF THE HIGHER GVWR […]
The Infamous Cummins 53 Block
Special Thanks to Stamey’s Website for this FAQ about the 53 Block What is the “53” block? The “53” comes from a casting number on the side of the block and is used to identify the problem blocks. Supposedly it affects about 100,000 blocks, but not only in Dodge Rams. Here is information regarding the […]