Symptom Key # symptom 1 Engine Running Hot 2 Poor Transient Response 3 Smoke 4 Engine Lacks Power 5 Black Exhaust Smoke 6 Blue Exhaust Smoke 7 High Oil Consumption 8 Turbocharger Noisy 9 Cyclic Sound From the Turbocharger 10 Oil Leak from Compressor Seal 11 Oil Leak from Turbine Seal Note: R = […]
Category Archives: Engine
Diesel Fault Finding Chart
Ford 7.3L Engine Removal – The REAL How To
Dodge Diesel Drive Belt Diagram

Location Description 1 Water Pump 2 Belt 3 Tensioner 4 3/8 Hole For Working Tensioner 5 Mount Bolt [thanks to BH used with permission]
Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement

(1) you need to disconnect both negative battery cables at both batteries. I used a 1/2 inch deep socket to remove the cables from the battery terminals. (2) Remove starter motor to get to CKP. The sensor is located on the driver’s side of the engine with the starter motor placed in front of it. […]
Bosch VP44 Fuel Injection Pump Replacement

This documentation is intended to be used as a visual overview only and is not meant to be used as a replacement for a service manual. Please consult your Dodge service manual for complete instructions on the removal and re-installation of an injection pump The truck in this project is a 2000 Dodge Ram 3500 […]
B Series Valve Clearance Adjustment

Tools needed: 14mm wrench 15mm wrench 19mm wrench Large Flat blade screwdriver soft mallet or wood block Engine Barring Tool Long 1/2″ drive wrench Torque Wrench feeler gauge NOTE: The Cummins Midrange Performance Tool Kit (P/N 3399869) contains all of the tools required for an oil and oil filter change, a fuel filter change, and […]
Dodge 24v Cummins Injector Replacement

Here is a sheet for replacing the injectors on a Dodge 24v Cummins [thanks to Diesel Dynamics] DD-Injector-Install-Instructions
How to adjust the idle speed on a Dodge Diesel
How do I adjust the idle speed on my Ram diesel? The idle speed seems too high. First, trace the accelerator linkage to the connection on the fuel pump. With the ENGINE OFF have someone floor the accelerator and watch the fuel arm move. The best position I can describe is that it is under […]
Cummins 12V Idle Adjustment

Adjusting the idle speed on the diesel engine is not difficult. The adjustment is located on the driver side of the injector pump near the rear of the pump. You will need a 10 mm wrench. Correct speed is: 1994-1998 with AT – in drive with AC on 750 -800 RPM 1994-1998 with manual in […]