Post Your Successful Diesel Mods At Dieseldatabase

Have you completed a successful mod on your diesel truck? and did you take pictures and discovered tips that might help others? Your post is welcome here. All you have to do is register on this site. Then contact us via the the contact form on the ABOUT page (see menu), letting us know you […]

Ford 6.0L Intercooler Swap for the 7.3L Powerstroke

The swap is relatively inexpensive and not to time consuming. Used 6.0 intercoolers can be had on eBay for around $100-$125. The 6.0 IC is about 30% larger than the 7.3. The original 7.3 PSD intercooler measures 30x18x2 and the 6.0 PSD is 30x21x2.25. One thing you should be aware of before you stat taking […]

12V Cummins TPS Adjustment

Caution: Before testing the TPS, verify that the engine is set at correct low idle speed. 1- After Confirming the correct linkage adjustment and idle speed , proceed to the following. 2- Attach a Paper Clip into the center terminal of the TPS electrical connector. Do not remove the connector from the TPS for this […]

P7100 Plunger Lift Timing

Bosch P7100 Lift Specs (mm) P7100 Pumps Only Tolerance for Plunger Lift Timing is +/- 0.1mm ( Use CPL number from engine data plate ) Engine Model B5.9160hpExcept CPL 1968 B5.9160hpCPL 1968 Only B5.9180hp B5.9215hp B5.9California CPL Numbers 1549, 15501551, 15521553, 18151816, 19591839 1968 2022, 2174 2023, 2175 1863 Static InjectionTimingdegrees BTDC Lift in mm […]

Edge EZ Module Manual

[thanks to Edge] Click the link for the pdf version of the Edge EZ Module Manual for the 24V CTD motor. Edge EZ Module Manual

Charger HP

The horsepower is calculated as a rough estimate using approx. 0.7*CFM=Race HP and 0.55*CFM=Daily HP. Turbo CFM Racing HP Daily HP HX35 600 420 330 HX40 800 560 440 T66 800 560 440 B1 900 630 495 H2E 1000 700 550 HX50 1000 700 550 HX55 1050 735 578 HT3B 1100 770 605 T76 1350 […]

Gear Ratio Spreadsheet

Click the link below for the excel version of Gear Ratio Spreadsheet Gear Ratio Spreadsheet

Heated Tow Mirror Swap

You need to have the bases from an 2nd gen. tow mirror equipped truck. Then purchase a set of Power/heated tow mirrors from a 3rd gen truck, you can get them in a kit (which is both mirrors, you will still need to buy a switch, knob and nut) Once you have all four mirrors, […]

Stewart Warner B752 Full Pillar Pod Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B752 Full Pillar Pod Install Sheet Stewart Warner B752 Full Pillar Pod Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]

Dodge Cummins 12V Dowel Repair

Several people on the TDR website showed interest in learning more about the work involved in replacing a broken timing gear housing from damage caused by the upper dowel pin working its way loose. You first remove the bumper, fan, radiator and loosen the A/C condenser. It is possible to remove the intercooler without breaking […]

Ram Diesel Lift Pump Replacement

Tools needed: 7/16 or 11mm socket – for boost tube clamps 10mm socket – for lift pump bolts 14mm socket – for fuel filter canister 3/8 ratchet 6″ 3/8 extension 3/8 universal joint – makes filter nut easier 3/4″ open end wrench – for fuel inlet nut 14mm open end wrench – for fuel outlet […]

Universal Joint Replacement

Work Performed on an ’03 CTD The ujoint pictured below is the factory joint that I just took out. My rear drive shaft was replaced the 1st time to the dealer under warranty. Then they replaced the ujoints again after that, making a total of 3 sets of factory joints within 75,000. When I first […]

Clutch Replacement

TOOLS: Tranny jack 2 or 3 ratchet straps porta power (this will make removing the cross member MUCH eaiser) A bottle jack and a piece of 4×4 will work in a pinch. Drill a hole in the end of the 4×4 to allow the bottle jack shaft to go in the 4×4 a couple of […]

Dodge 24V Diesel Dimensions & Specs

Descriptions Specification Engine Type In-Line 6 Cyl. Turbo Diesel Bore & Stroke 102.0 X 120.0 mm / 4.02 X 4.27 In. Displacement 5.9 L / 359 Cu. In. Compression Ratio 245 HP 2002 CTD 235 HP 2002 CTD   17.0:1 16.3:1 Horsepower A/T M/T   235 @ 2700 RPM 245 @ 2700 RPM Torque Rating […]

My Glowplug Relay Bypass System

There have been many threads on the glow plug relay bypass idea discussing how and when to turn off the relay, and even whether or not it is a good idea at all. I have come up with a combination of ideas that I feel is the best scenario. How the glow plugs work depends […]

Homemade Traction Bars

With the addition of the 33″ BFG’s and the Detroit Locker, I could feel some wheel hop, with the only real mod being the addition of the 70 hp chip.  Anticipating the increased horsepower my PSD will be putting out, I decided to add traction bars to the rear axle.  Trying to save money for […]