Post Your Successful Diesel Mods At Dieseldatabase

Have you completed a successful mod on your diesel truck? and did you take pictures and discovered tips that might help others? Your post is welcome here. All you have to do is register on this site. Then contact us via the the contact form on the ABOUT page (see menu), letting us know you […]

Velvet Ride Shackles

Velvet Ride Shackles, made by BF Goodrich Aerospace, are designed to replace the rear spring shackle, and create a more comfortable, less buck-board feel ride by absorbing some of the harsh bouncing of the stiff heavy duty springs. They basically use a rubber torsion device inside of the shackle.  I bought mine from 4 Wheel […]

Dodge Diesel Truck Buyers Guide

Every Vehicle, Every Model On earth has its fair share of issues, And our CTD/RAMS are no exception This article is not meant to point out problems you’re going to have its just a heads up to some common known issues. To Learn Even More Join These Problems Affect all Years: Steering wander, 5th […]

Dodge Truck Front Disk Brake Replacement

Work Performed On: 2002 CTD Estimated time of Completion: 2 Hrs Parts Required: Brake Shoes, Brake Cleaner, Brake Fluid, Little Helper Tools Required: 1/2 Inch Drive Ratchet, Cheater Pipe, 2 Extensions, 15/16 6 pt Socket, 7/32 Allen Wrench, 16 MM 12 pt Socket, Big Strait Screw Driver, Floor Jack, Penetrating Oil, 3/8 inch wrench Product […]

Custom Fuel System

Bigger injectors require more fuel. Lots more fuel than what the oem system can put out. And the OEM stuff has many faults, which just makes it that much more appealing to replace the whole darn system! I was planning on doing some work to the truck and I knew it would be laid up […]

Diesel Fault Finding Chart

Symptom Key # symptom 1 Engine Running Hot 2 Poor Transient Response 3 Smoke 4 Engine Lacks Power 5 Black Exhaust Smoke 6 Blue Exhaust Smoke 7 High Oil Consumption 8 Turbocharger Noisy 9 Cyclic Sound From the Turbocharger 10 Oil Leak from Compressor Seal 11 Oil Leak from Turbine Seal   Note: R = […]

Silencer Ring

A silencer ring is a metal baffle placed into the turbocharger inlet to reduce whistle from the turbocharger. It is installed in Ram truck engines at the request of Chrysler. The silencer ring has no effect on engine output, EGT, or boost levels. Removal: Remove the flex hose from the front of the turbo that […]

Adjusting Rear Drum Brakes

For trucks equipped with drum brakes there are a multiple of ways to adjust them. You should be able to get them to adjust automatically by using one of the procedures below. None of them work on my truck and I have to adjust mine manually. I even put all new hardware kits on and […]

Dodge 24v Cummins Injector Replacement

Here is a sheet for replacing the injectors on a Dodge 24v Cummins [thanks to Diesel Dynamics] DD-Injector-Install-Instructions

Stewart Warner B806 Exhaust Temp Gauge Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B806 Exhaust Temp Gauge Install Sheet Stewart Warner B806 Exhaust Temp Gauge Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]

APPS Repair

This guide addresses the construction, possible disassembly, and possible repair of erratic or failed APPS units. These throttle control units, APPS (Accellerator Pedal Position Sensor), most frequently seem to fail or become erratic in operation due to deteriorating contact between internal rotating fingers and the resistance track they ride on inside the APPS unit, causing […]

Rim Fit

I used fellow TDR member JPittinger’s advice and did the following: Jack up the vehicle, take off rear tires/rims, install 2 lug nuts to hold the drum on. Start the truck, put it in 1st and low range of the transfer case – this makes the drums turn REAL SLOW. If you have an auto, […]

Two Wheel Drive Low

The important thing is the 2 port vacuum switch…you need to get one that is ‘open’ when it’s in the off position so vacuum can flow through normally. I used a Nippondenso EGR vacuum switch for a Honda Civic. They never break! The rest of the parts list is simple and small: Rocker switch (I […]

Boost Gauge Installation on Dodge Cummins

1. A hole must be drilled and tapped into the intake crossover pipe for a boost source. 2. Remove the hose from the intake crossover pipe and push a rag well into the pipe past the point to be drilled and tapped. This will prevent chips from entering the engine. 3. Drill through the back […]

Cummins 12V Idle Adjustment

Adjusting the idle speed on the diesel engine is not difficult. The adjustment is located on the driver side of the injector pump near the rear of the pump. You will need a 10 mm wrench. Correct speed is: 1994-1998 with AT – in drive with AC on 750 -800 RPM 1994-1998 with manual in […]

Stewart Warner B756 Standard Tachometer Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B756 Standard Tachometer Install Sheet Stewart Warner B756 Standard Tachometer Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]