Post Your Successful Diesel Mods At Dieseldatabase

Have you completed a successful mod on your diesel truck? and did you take pictures and discovered tips that might help others? Your post is welcome here. All you have to do is register on this site. Then contact us via the the contact form on the ABOUT page (see menu), letting us know you […]

24V CTD Valve Lash Limits

Spec Intake Exhaust Minimum 0.152 mm (0.006 inch) 0.381 mm (0.015 inch) Standard 0.254 mm (0.010 inch) 0.508 mm (0.020 inch) Maximum 0.381 mm (0.015 inch) 0.762 mm (0.030 inch) Adjustments should only be performed when the engine coolant temperature is less than 60°C (140°F).

Stewart Warner B755 Memory Tachometer Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B755 Memory Tachometer Install Sheet Stewart Warner B755 Memory Tachometer Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]

BHAF – Big Honking Air Filter

BHAF = Big Honking Air Filter This is a very easy mod and the benefits are great … Cooler Egts … Better flow … More Whistle !!! First remove the air intake line running from your factory Air box to your Turbo Then remove your air box … just pull straight up This area it […]

Dodge 24V IAT Sensor Cleaning

This is an article for cleaning the IAT sensor on the 1998-2002 24V diesel engine. The IAT sensor measures the temperature of the intake manifold. The ECM uses this sensor reading to set injection timing and adjust the air-fuel ratio. If the fuel mileage and power output of you engine seem low, some owners have […]

Cummins Governor Spring Replacement Aid

Here’s the dust cover that needs to be removed to access the governor springs Once the dust cover is removed you’ll need to turn the motor over till a set of springs is lined up perfectly in the opening … there are 2 sets of springs they are mounted opposite of each other Here’s how […]

Diesel Filter Water Sediment Drain

Drain the water and sediment from the separator each time the fuel tank is filled. Shut off the engine. Manually open the drain valve until clear fuel is visible. Top Load Filter Type (1) Pull up on the drain valve lever until fluid drains out of the drain tube. If nothing comes out of the […]

Fuel Filter Usage

Here’s a photo showing the condition of my original fuel filter after 24,000 miles – never been changed to this point since new: The photo is a bit misleading the overall condition of the old filter is actually not bad at all – lots whiter down in between the pleats than can be seen here, […]

Why the Big Change?

It has been two years – sorry for the long delay in getting the site back up. We changed our minds several times on how we were going to rebuild – the rest of the time, we were just too darn busy. The old sites revolved around aliased URLs (,,,, and […]

Triple Turbos on a Powerstroke Diesel

THREE Turbos on a PSD!?! Well, it just had to be done. And it was a lot easier the second time around! Click HERE to see the build-up of the Twins. Much the same work and process was involved to create Stage 3, HT4B into HT3B into OEM Garrett. I really don’t know what to […]

Stewart Warner B764 Programmable Speedometer Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B764 Programmable Speedometer Install Sheet Stewart Warner B764 Programmable Speedometer Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]

Inspecting the Water Pump Weep Hole on Dodge Diesel Trucks

Use a pipe cleaner or a piece of wire to knock scale and dirt from the water pump weep hole. 1st and 2nd generation (every 12000 miles): 1: From above and just in front of the alternator pulley, look down to the water pump. 2: The weep hole is at about the 7:00 position, below […]

Twin Electrical Fans

It’s been said that the factory fan consumes horsepower, and I’ve heard conflicting results as to what the power increase would be if you were to eliminate the fan and go electric. Me, I just don’t like the idea of that big thing swinging around on the end of the water pump, putting all that […]

Vulcan Performance Fueling Upgrade Installation

Work Performed on 2002 CTD My truck has an existing Carter Pusher Pump. I’m using the Vulcan Kit to Replace all the restrictive banjo Fittings and fuel lines. Estimated Time of completion : 3 Hrs Kit includes: Stainless Steel Vulcan Full Flow Fittings, Vulcan integrated fuel pressure adaptor (00-02 only), 30R7 fuel line, extended pump […]

Installing a Throttle Body Spacer

That I take my vehicles to a mechanic, even for minor problems, makes me spoiled in some respects. Though I have disciplined myself to change wiper blades, fuses and light bulbs. Nonetheless, when I looked the throttle body spacer over, I took up the challenge to install the unit myself. This isn't a hard one. […]

Cleaning Stickum – Part 2

This is a followup article to Cleaning Stickum Left From Vinyl After the last article regarding removing the stickum leftover from vinyl lettering and signs, several people got hold of me to let me know of their remedies. DM left a comment on the article site about peanut butter removing residue left behind by decals. […]