Post Your Successful Diesel Mods At Dieseldatabase

Have you completed a successful mod on your diesel truck? and did you take pictures and discovered tips that might help others? Your post is welcome here. All you have to do is register on this site. Then contact us via the the contact form on the ABOUT page (see menu), letting us know you […]

Repair Under Hood Weatherstripping

Tired of always finding the weather strip laying on top of the turbocharger in the engine compartment? A bead of silicone rubber RTV in the weatherstrip groove will keep the strip attached and eliminate the fire danger. Red RTV or high strength gray RTV is my favorite for this type of work. Black RTV would […]

Stewart Warner B757 Ultra Shift Light Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B757 Ultra Shift Light Install Sheet Stewart Warner B757 Ultra Shift Light Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]

Top 3 Floor Mats for your Diesel Truck

It doesn’t take long to figure out that not all floor mats and liners are the same. Some offer great protection from the elements such as mud, snow, grime and dust, while others offer almost none. If you work in construction or any kind of industry that leavers your boots a little muddy at the […]

CTD Dimensional Specification

2002 CTD/RAM Descriptions Specification Engine Type In-Line 6 Cyl. Turbo Diesel Bore & Stroke 102.0 X 120.0 mm 4.02 X 4.27 In. Displacement 5.9 L 359 Cu. In. Compression Ratio 245 HP 2002 CTD 235 HP 2002 CTD   17.0:1 16.3:1 Horsepower A/T M/T   235 @ 2700 RPM 245 @ 2700 RPM Torque Rating […]

Dodge 12V Cummins Throttle Cable Replacement

Throttle cable failure has been common on 1994 – 1998 12 valve diesel engines, usually after about 30,000 miles on the cable. I am now on my third cable, and am curious to see if the new design will be more reliable. Twice I have managed to replace my cable in the nick of time […]

Dodge 24V Cummins Lift Pump Replacement

Procedures for a 1999 Ram NOTE: You may be able to improve this but this is exactly what we did and changed two pumps in less that two hours) TOOLS: 17 mm wrench & socket, 10 mm wrench & socket, 7/16 socket, 1/2 inch socket. 1. Lay a non-conducting material over the battery posts (fender […]

Stewart Warner B779 Add-On Shift Light Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner Add-On Shift Light Install Sheet Stewart Warner Add-On Shift Light Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]

Port and Polishing

First, you will need cutters. In the next photo you will see some of the cutters I use for this. On the right are metal cutters. These cost $20 to $75 each, so choose wisely. In the middle are sanding cones. I use #80-100-220-240 grit. I use a long mandrel and a (not shown) short […]

Stewart Warner B759 LED Light Kit Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B759 LED Light Kit Install Sheet Stewart Warner B759 LED Light Kit Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]

Efficient Engine Montoring

PYRO: Temperatures will vary whenever the throttle is moved or the terrain changes. The peak number is the most important while towing, the ISB can be safely run up to 1450 for short bursts and 1350 all day long. This number is strongly affected by modifications weather it be Air flow or Fuel delivery. If […]

Clutch Replacement

TOOLS: Tranny jack 2 or 3 ratchet straps porta power (this will make removing the cross member MUCH eaiser) A bottle jack and a piece of 4×4 will work in a pinch. Drill a hole in the end of the 4×4 to allow the bottle jack shaft to go in the 4×4 a couple of […]

B Series Valve Clearance Adjustment

Tools needed: 14mm wrench 15mm wrench 19mm wrench Large Flat blade screwdriver soft mallet or wood block Engine Barring Tool Long 1/2″ drive wrench Torque Wrench feeler gauge NOTE: The Cummins Midrange Performance Tool Kit (P/N 3399869) contains all of the tools required for an oil and oil filter change, a fuel filter change, and […]

4 Inch Aftermarket Exhaust Installation

In the shop, ready to get started. The original tailpipe. This picture clearly shows the difference in size between the old exhaust, and the new! The setup for the new exhaust, showing the front aftermarket 14 inch long anti-drone muffler, and the standard muffler further down – both are straight-thru design mufflers. A view from […]

Service Record Spreadsheet

Click the link below for the Excel version of Service Record Spreadsheet Service Record Spreadsheet [thanks to WBUSA used with permission]

Diesel Troubleshooting Chart

Complaint ————-> Probable Cause WillNotStart HardToStart StartsAndStalls DiesOnDeceleration RunsRough LackOfPower BlackSmoke WhiteSmoke Low Cranking Speed X X             Incorrect StartingProcedure X X             Some or All Glow Plugs Bad X X     X     X No Fuel to Cylinders X       […]