Post Your Successful Diesel Mods At Dieseldatabase

Have you completed a successful mod on your diesel truck? and did you take pictures and discovered tips that might help others? Your post is welcome here. All you have to do is register on this site. Then contact us via the the contact form on the ABOUT page (see menu), letting us know you […]

Port and Polishing

First, you will need cutters. In the next photo you will see some of the cutters I use for this. On the right are metal cutters. These cost $20 to $75 each, so choose wisely. In the middle are sanding cones. I use #80-100-220-240 grit. I use a long mandrel and a (not shown) short […]

Vulcan Fittings

This is a comparison between a Vulcan fitting and your stock banjo set up. The Vulcan Fittings are CNC Stainless Steal and are avalible with a tap in them for running a Fuel Pressure gauge. Vulcans Fitting replace The Stock Banjo’s at the following locations : VP44 inlet Fuel Filter Housing Inlet Fuel Filter Housing […]

Turbo Comparisons

When in the process of bombing a CTD you will have to increase your fuel. With the increase of fuel comes an increase in heat. You can safely run 1200° once in a while but major failure can occur if your running at high heat conditions for a period of time. To keep things cooled […]

Bosch P7100 Fuel Pump Diagrams

Click on Image for a Larger View. Click on Image for a Larger View.

Relocating Your Block Heater Cord

As you know the block heater plug on our trucks are located in the front bumper and this is where they stay for most people. Some have put a plug recessed into the bumper to make it look nicer then having a cord dangling there. In my case being a Firefighter the way I park […]

Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement

(1) you need to disconnect both negative battery cables at both batteries. I used a 1/2 inch deep socket to remove the cables from the battery terminals. (2) Remove starter motor to get to CKP. The sensor is located on the driver’s side of the engine with the starter motor placed in front of it. […]

Top 3 Floor Mats for your Diesel Truck

It doesn’t take long to figure out that not all floor mats and liners are the same. Some offer great protection from the elements such as mud, snow, grime and dust, while others offer almost none. If you work in construction or any kind of industry that leavers your boots a little muddy at the […]

Propane Kit Comparison

When Propane is added to the air intake usually the horn it ensures that all the Diesel is turned into Power. When propane is used properly, it will keep your engine cleaner with less carbon buildup and cleaner oil. Propane is a high-octane fuel and burns slower and longer therefore, propane will help diesel burn […]

Diesel Troubleshooting Chart

Complaint ————-> Probable Cause WillNotStart HardToStart StartsAndStalls DiesOnDeceleration RunsRough LackOfPower BlackSmoke WhiteSmoke Low Cranking Speed X X             Incorrect StartingProcedure X X             Some or All Glow Plugs Bad X X     X     X No Fuel to Cylinders X       […]

Stewart Warner B793 LED Light Kit Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B793 LED Light Kit Install Sheet Stewart Warner B793 LED Light Kit Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]

Charger HP

The horsepower is calculated as a rough estimate using approx. 0.7*CFM=Race HP and 0.55*CFM=Daily HP. Turbo CFM Racing HP Daily HP HX35 600 420 330 HX40 800 560 440 T66 800 560 440 B1 900 630 495 H2E 1000 700 550 HX50 1000 700 550 HX55 1050 735 578 HT3B 1100 770 605 T76 1350 […]

Stewart Warner B774 In-Dash Mount Bracket Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B774 In-Dash Mount Bracket Install Sheet Stewart Warner B774 In-Dash Mount Bracket Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]

Turning Up a P7100 Pump

The steps for turning up a P7100 pump are: 1) Remove your AFC Housing 2) Mod Your Fuel Plate either slide it forward or purchase a cut one 3) Adjust the governor lever to contact the fuel plate 4) Crank the star Wheel Towards the motor 5) Slide The AFC housing all the way forward […]

12V TPS Wiring Diagram

For TPS adjustment, Joe G. suggested using a potentiometer in the ground circuit. I decided to try it and It really gives a much better range of adjustment than elongating holes in the TPS body. Here is a schematic drawing showing how to wire it. Using the above circuit, adjusting the potentiometer adds resistance to […]

Installing Upfitter Switches in 2005 and Newer Ford Super-Dutys

If you want to add a few aftermarket options to your new Ford Super Duty, Ford Motor Company makes things easy for you. One of the options you can select from the factory is the “UPFITTER SWITCH” option. This is a bank of four switches, with fuses and associated relays, that provide two 30 amp […]