Post Your Successful Diesel Mods At Dieseldatabase

Have you completed a successful mod on your diesel truck? and did you take pictures and discovered tips that might help others? Your post is welcome here. All you have to do is register on this site. Then contact us via the the contact form on the ABOUT page (see menu), letting us know you […]

Boost Gauge Installation on Dodge Cummins

1. A hole must be drilled and tapped into the intake crossover pipe for a boost source. 2. Remove the hose from the intake crossover pipe and push a rag well into the pipe past the point to be drilled and tapped. This will prevent chips from entering the engine. 3. Drill through the back […]

Edge EZ Module Manual

[thanks to Edge] Click the link for the pdf version of the Edge EZ Module Manual for the 24V CTD motor. Edge EZ Module Manual

Dodge 24v Cummins Injector Replacement

Here is a sheet for replacing the injectors on a Dodge 24v Cummins [thanks to Diesel Dynamics] DD-Injector-Install-Instructions

Dodge 24V Cummins Lift Pump Replacement

Procedures for a 1999 Ram NOTE: You may be able to improve this but this is exactly what we did and changed two pumps in less that two hours) TOOLS: 17 mm wrench & socket, 10 mm wrench & socket, 7/16 socket, 1/2 inch socket. 1. Lay a non-conducting material over the battery posts (fender […]

Diesel Filter Water Sediment Drain

Drain the water and sediment from the separator each time the fuel tank is filled. Shut off the engine. Manually open the drain valve until clear fuel is visible. Top Load Filter Type (1) Pull up on the drain valve lever until fluid drains out of the drain tube. If nothing comes out of the […]

Stewart Warner B752 Full Pillar Pod Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B752 Full Pillar Pod Install Sheet Stewart Warner B752 Full Pillar Pod Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]

Gauge Installation Prep

This is a NEW USERS guide to gauge install preparation. I wish that I had something similar to this when I started this project. So I have assembled the information in this document with the goal of helping people to prepare for installing gauges. Some of This information has been obtained from Turbo Diesel Registry […]

Stewart Warner B755 Memory Tachometer Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B755 Memory Tachometer Install Sheet Stewart Warner B755 Memory Tachometer Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]

Water Injection

Water Injection : Injecting water into the intake , Decreases the volume of each cylinder Sends the Pistons into Over Drive , add some alcohol to up the flash point of diesel and to be sure it all burns up and burns up fast and you have the complete package. Cooling Mist ( Our Diesel […]

Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement

(1) you need to disconnect both negative battery cables at both batteries. I used a 1/2 inch deep socket to remove the cables from the battery terminals. (2) Remove starter motor to get to CKP. The sensor is located on the driver’s side of the engine with the starter motor placed in front of it. […]

Dodge Towing Specifications

When Equipped with Cummins Turbo Diesel Dodge RAM 2500 RAM 2500 Reg Cab 4×2 Long Bed Quad Cab 4×2 Short Bed Quad Cab 4×2 Long Bed Trans/Axle GCWR Payload Curb Wt Tow Wt Payload Curb Wt Tow Wt Payload Curb Wt Tow Wt A4/3.55 16,000 3,120 5,679 10,150 2,820 5,981 9,850 2,700 6,096 9,750 A4/4.10 […]

P Pump Cutaway

I snapped these Photos at SDX Aneroid Fuel Plate Governor Arm Governor Spring Cover and Throttle Cable Connection Point Governor Springs Pump Cam Delivery Valves Together

Dodge Diesel Injector Comparisons

By popular demand our customers have asked us to show a comparison between the Bosch 275hp RV injector and the Diesel Dynamics True Torque II injector series. This graph shows typical gains with the 275hp RV injectors and DD stages 1,2, and 3. This is a graph of a 99 Cummins Ram with Std Transmission. […]

Dodge Truck Front Disk Brake Replacement

Work Performed On: 2002 CTD Estimated time of Completion: 2 Hrs Parts Required: Brake Shoes, Brake Cleaner, Brake Fluid, Little Helper Tools Required: 1/2 Inch Drive Ratchet, Cheater Pipe, 2 Extensions, 15/16 6 pt Socket, 7/32 Allen Wrench, 16 MM 12 pt Socket, Big Strait Screw Driver, Floor Jack, Penetrating Oil, 3/8 inch wrench Product […]

Twin Turbos on a Powerstroke Diesel

A big thanks goes to John Anderson for being the Pioneer on this type of project and sharing his project with all of us. In that same spirit, I threw some pics into a collage to be able to share what I can now, until I can do a formal write up for this site. […]