Post Your Successful Diesel Mods At Dieseldatabase

Have you completed a successful mod on your diesel truck? and did you take pictures and discovered tips that might help others? Your post is welcome here. All you have to do is register on this site. Then contact us via the the contact form on the ABOUT page (see menu), letting us know you […]

Dodge Cummins 12V Dowel Repair

Several people on the TDR website showed interest in learning more about the work involved in replacing a broken timing gear housing from damage caused by the upper dowel pin working its way loose. You first remove the bumper, fan, radiator and loosen the A/C condenser. It is possible to remove the intercooler without breaking […]

Port and Polishing

First, you will need cutters. In the next photo you will see some of the cutters I use for this. On the right are metal cutters. These cost $20 to $75 each, so choose wisely. In the middle are sanding cones. I use #80-100-220-240 grit. I use a long mandrel and a (not shown) short […]

Old 12v Cummins Boost Guage Installation

1. A hole must be drilled and tapped into the intake crossover pipe for a boost source. 2. Remove the hose from the intake crossover pipe and push a rag well into the pipe past the point to be drilled and tapped. This will prevent chips from entering the engine. 3. Drill through the back […]

Vulcan Performance Fueling Upgrade Installation

Work Performed on 2002 CTD My truck has an existing Carter Pusher Pump. I’m using the Vulcan Kit to Replace all the restrictive banjo Fittings and fuel lines. Estimated Time of completion : 3 Hrs Kit includes: Stainless Steel Vulcan Full Flow Fittings, Vulcan integrated fuel pressure adaptor (00-02 only), 30R7 fuel line, extended pump […]

24V Transmission Band Adjustment

One of the most frequent questions I get on the Cummins powered Dodge trucks is transmission related. The Dodge automatic tranny is very robust and does what it was intended to do very well. But given the reputation for massive torque that the Cummins engine provides, many times the transmission is asked to do far […]

Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement

(1) you need to disconnect both negative battery cables at both batteries. I used a 1/2 inch deep socket to remove the cables from the battery terminals. (2) Remove starter motor to get to CKP. The sensor is located on the driver’s side of the engine with the starter motor placed in front of it. […]

Dodge Diesel Frantz Oil Filter

Significant interest, and LOTS of misconception surrounds bypass oil filters in general – and the Frantz TP filters especially, tho’ the same general construction is also used for the several paper towel bypass filters as well. Bypass oil filtration differs from the stock full-flow filters used on all modern engines, including our Cummins, in that […]

Turbo Horsepower

The horsepower is calculated as a rough estimate using approx. 0.7*CFM=Race HP and 0.55*CFM=Daily HP. Turbo CFM Racing HP Daily HP HX35 600 420 330 HX40 800 560 440 T66 800 560 440 B1 900 630 495 H2E 1000 700 550 HX50 1000 700 550 HX55 1050 735 578 HT3B 1100 770 605 T76 1350 […]

Stewart Warner B750 Mechanical Gauge Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B750 Mechanical Gauge Install Sheet Stewart Warner B750 Mechanical Gauge Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]

Clutch Replacement

TOOLS: Tranny jack 2 or 3 ratchet straps porta power (this will make removing the cross member MUCH eaiser) A bottle jack and a piece of 4×4 will work in a pinch. Drill a hole in the end of the 4×4 to allow the bottle jack shaft to go in the 4×4 a couple of […]

Air Horns for 24V Dodge Cummins

I know of two companies who manufacture these BANKS Banks High Ram An intercooler increases the air density, which allows your engine to produce more power. So it stands to reason that you wouldn’t want to restrict the flow of air exiting the intercooler, right? Unfortunately, that’s exactly what the stock piece does. Look at […]

Custom Fuel System

Bigger injectors require more fuel. Lots more fuel than what the oem system can put out. And the OEM stuff has many faults, which just makes it that much more appealing to replace the whole darn system! I was planning on doing some work to the truck and I knew it would be laid up […]

Cummins Valve Cover Replacement

Here’s the Stocker And here’s the Bombed Valve cover Available Here at the Database: check the marketplace :: Bob Wagner The only tools you’ll need is a 1/4 inch drive ratchet and a 10 MM socket Really clean up the stock valve cover you do not want anything to fall down in to the valves […]

7.3L Powerstroke Custom Fuel System

Bigger injectors require more fuel. Lots more fuel than what the oem system can put out. And the oem stuff has many faults, which just makes it that much more appealing to replace the whole darn system! I was planning on doing some work to the truck and I knew it would be laid up […]

Stewart Warner B752 Full Pillar Pod Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B752 Full Pillar Pod Install Sheet Stewart Warner B752 Full Pillar Pod Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]