Post Your Successful Diesel Mods At Dieseldatabase

Have you completed a successful mod on your diesel truck? and did you take pictures and discovered tips that might help others? Your post is welcome here. All you have to do is register on this site. Then contact us via the the contact form on the ABOUT page (see menu), letting us know you […]

24V Transmission Band Adjustment

One of the most frequent questions I get on the Cummins powered Dodge trucks is transmission related. The Dodge automatic tranny is very robust and does what it was intended to do very well. But given the reputation for massive torque that the Cummins engine provides, many times the transmission is asked to do far […]

Mixing Gasoline with Diesel

My wise old mechanic who has worked on Mercedes for years told me that if I put one gallon regular gas to a diesel tankfull after about every four tanks that it would perform essentially the same job as a fuel injector cleaner at a fraction of the cost. I would like to hear a […]

Superchips 3705 Chart and Installation

Exhaust Stacks

I built this setup from scratch and ran it for only 1 month before removing and reinstalling my 4″ system. This system sounded very good but had some draw backs that I couldn’t live with including noise and smoke for passengers in the back and soot showers on startup after a rain or carwash (there […]

Service Record Spreadsheet

Click the link below for the Excel version of Service Record Spreadsheet Service Record Spreadsheet [thanks to WBUSA used with permission]

On Board Air Tank

It’s always handy to have compressed air with you for filling your flat tires, other people’s flat tires, air horns, blowing mulch or straw out of your bed, the list can go on and on.  I use compressed air mainly for my air horns. I’ve had a 9 gallon air tank in my aluminum bed […]

12V Engine Diagram

Here is a Dodge 12V Cummins Engine Diagram Click on the image for a larger version.

China can make things cheaper than the US – Here’s How!

Ever Wonder How China makes Stuff Cheaper than us? China needs “fair trade” instead of “free trade,” and maybe the greater profit margins will make room for OSHA, EPA, and some of the other trappings that make America great! The Construction Site Hard Hat The Dust and Particle Free Breathing Apparatus OSHA Approved Scaffolding And […]

Anti-Freeze Replacement

From Steve St.Laurent : Here’s how I did mine and I got approximately 5.5 gallons into the system, first I opened the petcock on the radiator (turn it, then pull on it a little, turn, pull, turn, pull – until it starts draining), that will drain the fluid out of the overflow bottle, once the […]

Dodge Cummins 24V Fuel Delivery

As you may know the 2nd Gen Vp44 Equip CTD has its share of fuel delivery problems. Here is a rough break down of actually what happening on a stock truck. The factory LP is working its self to death pulling the fuel all the way from the tank and it will stumble. When it […]

12V TPS Wiring Diagram

For TPS adjustment, Joe G. suggested using a potentiometer in the ground circuit. I decided to try it and It really gives a much better range of adjustment than elongating holes in the TPS body. Here is a schematic drawing showing how to wire it. Using the above circuit, adjusting the potentiometer adds resistance to […]

Dodge 12V Cummins Throttle Cable Replacement

Throttle cable failure has been common on 1994 – 1998 12 valve diesel engines, usually after about 30,000 miles on the cable. I am now on my third cable, and am curious to see if the new design will be more reliable. Twice I have managed to replace my cable in the nick of time […]

Clutch Replacement

TOOLS: Tranny jack 2 or 3 ratchet straps porta power (this will make removing the cross member MUCH eaiser) A bottle jack and a piece of 4×4 will work in a pinch. Drill a hole in the end of the 4×4 to allow the bottle jack shaft to go in the 4×4 a couple of […]

Banks New Six-Gun Diesel Tuner for Duramax LB7 Compatible with PowerPDA

Date: September 15, 2006 Contact: Dan Hobgood—Marketing Mgr. (626) 691-2188 For immediate release: Banks’ New Six-Gun® Diesel Tuner for Duramax LB7 Compatible with PowerPDA® AZUSA, CA—Gale Banks Engineering has developed a new Six-Gun® Diesel Tuner for Duramax LB7 pickups that is compatible with the Banks PowerPDA® Vehicle Command Center. The Banks PowerPDA and new […]

Hunting For Horsepower by Alligator Performance

It was a busy Saturday. Trucks were lined up in the vacant lots behind Alligator Performance waiting to get dyno’d. This was Alligator Performance’s first event – and for a small, relatively new company, this was a big event. Alligator Diesel Performance opened their doors in Las Vegas in 2005. In 2009, they moved to […]