Post Your Successful Diesel Mods At Dieseldatabase

Have you completed a successful mod on your diesel truck? and did you take pictures and discovered tips that might help others? Your post is welcome here. All you have to do is register on this site. Then contact us via the the contact form on the ABOUT page (see menu), letting us know you […]

Cleaning Stickum Left From Vinyl

Just after the winter began winding down and the weather was beginning to warm up, I removed a large 30″ x 18″ vinyl sticker from the tailgate of my truck. No matter how much heat was applied, the back of the sticker refused to come loose. I tried everything, Goof-Off®, fingernail polish remover, paint thinner, […]

Clamp On Isspro Thermocoupler

Locate the pipe running from the exhaust manifold on the drivers side over to the turbo. About 2″ above where this pipe attaches to the exhaust manifold a hole can be drilled to accommodate the thermocouple. Start with a small drill bit and work up to 1/4″ one bit size at a time making sure […]

Dodge 24V IAT Sensor Cleaning

This is an article for cleaning the IAT sensor on the 1998-2002 24V diesel engine. The IAT sensor measures the temperature of the intake manifold. The ECM uses this sensor reading to set injection timing and adjust the air-fuel ratio. If the fuel mileage and power output of you engine seem low, some owners have […]

Dodge 12V Cummins Throttle Cable Replacement

Throttle cable failure has been common on 1994 – 1998 12 valve diesel engines, usually after about 30,000 miles on the cable. I am now on my third cable, and am curious to see if the new design will be more reliable. Twice I have managed to replace my cable in the nick of time […]

Pump Diagnosis

[Copyright Diesel Injection Service used with permission]

Ford 7.3L Diesel Fuel Tank Vent Mod

About one month after I completed the extraction and re-installation of the PSD from my truck, necessitated to replace a rusted out oil pan, I noticed diesel fuel on the floor of my garage under the rear of my truck.  Sure enough the steel rear fuel tank had also rusted through.  Why in the world […]

Stewart Warner B764 Programmable Speedometer Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B764 Programmable Speedometer Install Sheet Stewart Warner B764 Programmable Speedometer Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]

Transmission Pan Installation Guide

DODGE #727-D TRANSMISSION PAN Please read these instructions and parts list completely before installing this new transmission pan. Consult your owner’s or shop manual for transmission fluid requirements. TOOLS REQUIRED 1/2 socket wrench and driver (for removing the old cover) 1/4 allen bit with a 3/8 ratchet drive (1/4 allen key is furnished) 3/16 allen […]

1999 24V Lift Pump Replacement

Procedures for a 1999 Ram NOTE: You may be able to improve this but this is exactly what we did and changed two pumps in less that two hours) TOOLS: 17 mm wrench & socket, 10 mm wrench & socket, 7/16 socket, 1/2 inch socket. Lay a non-conducting material over the battery posts (fender cover, […]

Edge Power Comp Manual 24V CTD

[thanks to Edge] Click the link for the pdf version of the Edge Power Comp Manual for the 24V CTD motor. Edge Power Comp Manual

BHAF – Big Honking Air Filter

BHAF = Big Honking Air Filter This is a very easy mod and the benefits are great … Cooler Egts … Better flow … More Whistle !!! First remove the air intake line running from your factory Air box to your Turbo Then remove your air box … just pull straight up This area it […]

Fuel Filter Usage

Here’s a photo showing the condition of my original fuel filter after 24,000 miles – never been changed to this point since new: The photo is a bit misleading the overall condition of the old filter is actually not bad at all – lots whiter down in between the pleats than can be seen here, […]

The Infamous Cummins 53 Block

Special Thanks to Stamey’s Website for this FAQ about the 53 Block What is the “53” block? The “53” comes from a casting number on the side of the block and is used to identify the problem blocks. Supposedly it affects about 100,000 blocks, but not only in Dodge Rams. Here is information regarding the […]

Banks New Six-Gun Diesel Tuner for Duramax LB7 Compatible with PowerPDA

Date: September 15, 2006 Contact: Dan Hobgood—Marketing Mgr. (626) 691-2188 For immediate release: Banks’ New Six-Gun® Diesel Tuner for Duramax LB7 Compatible with PowerPDA® AZUSA, CA—Gale Banks Engineering has developed a new Six-Gun® Diesel Tuner for Duramax LB7 pickups that is compatible with the Banks PowerPDA® Vehicle Command Center. The Banks PowerPDA and new […]

Port and Polishing

First, you will need cutters. In the next photo you will see some of the cutters I use for this. On the right are metal cutters. These cost $20 to $75 each, so choose wisely. In the middle are sanding cones. I use #80-100-220-240 grit. I use a long mandrel and a (not shown) short […]