Since hands down the SCT is the tuner of choice I’ve noticed for hardcore diesel enthusiasts, there have been a lot of threads as of late on the LiveWire. Since it’s a fairly new product I figured I’d put something together to highlight some of its features and hopefully demystify it for everyone. My first […]
Dodge Cummins 12V Dowel Repair
Several people on the TDR website showed interest in learning more about the work involved in replacing a broken timing gear housing from damage caused by the upper dowel pin working its way loose. You first remove the bumper, fan, radiator and loosen the A/C condenser. It is possible to remove the intercooler without breaking […]
Velvet Ride Shackles
Velvet Ride Shackles, made by BF Goodrich Aerospace, are designed to replace the rear spring shackle, and create a more comfortable, less buck-board feel ride by absorbing some of the harsh bouncing of the stiff heavy duty springs. They basically use a rubber torsion device inside of the shackle. I bought mine from 4 Wheel […]
Blue Chip Installation
Installation Directions for the Blue Chip Wizard Fuel Management System For the 1998-2002 Dodge For this installation you will need: a ratchet with extension, a 10mm socket, (17 and 19 mm wrenches for 2000 and up trucks only),a 13 mm wrench or socket, an 11mm or 7/16 deep socket or wrench, an electric drill with […]
Dodge Truck Front Disk Brake Replacement
Work Performed On: 2002 CTD Estimated time of Completion: 2 Hrs Parts Required: Brake Shoes, Brake Cleaner, Brake Fluid, Little Helper Tools Required: 1/2 Inch Drive Ratchet, Cheater Pipe, 2 Extensions, 15/16 6 pt Socket, 7/32 Allen Wrench, 16 MM 12 pt Socket, Big Strait Screw Driver, Floor Jack, Penetrating Oil, 3/8 inch wrench Product […]
Why the Big Change?
It has been two years – sorry for the long delay in getting the site back up. We changed our minds several times on how we were going to rebuild – the rest of the time, we were just too darn busy. The old sites revolved around aliased URLs (,,,, and […]
24V Transmission Band Adjustment
One of the most frequent questions I get on the Cummins powered Dodge trucks is transmission related. The Dodge automatic tranny is very robust and does what it was intended to do very well. But given the reputation for massive torque that the Cummins engine provides, many times the transmission is asked to do far […]
Transmission Pan Installation Guide
DODGE #727-D TRANSMISSION PAN Please read these instructions and parts list completely before installing this new transmission pan. Consult your owner’s or shop manual for transmission fluid requirements. TOOLS REQUIRED 1/2 socket wrench and driver (for removing the old cover) 1/4 allen bit with a 3/8 ratchet drive (1/4 allen key is furnished) 3/16 allen […]
Post Your Successful Diesel Mods At Dieseldatabase
Have you completed a successful mod on your diesel truck? and did you take pictures and discovered tips that might help others? Your post is welcome here. All you have to do is register on this site. Then contact us via the the contact form on the ABOUT page (see menu), letting us know you […]