Post Your Successful Diesel Mods At Dieseldatabase

Have you completed a successful mod on your diesel truck? and did you take pictures and discovered tips that might help others? Your post is welcome here. All you have to do is register on this site. Then contact us via the the contact form on the ABOUT page (see menu), letting us know you […]

Dodge Cummins Ebrake ECM Hookup

Using the ECM to Control Non-Jacobs Exhaust Brakes You will need this pigtail to connect the brake wiring to the ECM. Cummins Part Number: 3824810 Connect the pigtail show above to pin 20 of the ECM Schematic for the Dodge/Jacobs e-brake system connected to the ECM You will need to adapt your e-brake installation to […]

Dodge 24V Cummins Lift Pump Replacement

Procedures for a 1999 Ram NOTE: You may be able to improve this but this is exactly what we did and changed two pumps in less that two hours) TOOLS: 17 mm wrench & socket, 10 mm wrench & socket, 7/16 socket, 1/2 inch socket. 1. Lay a non-conducting material over the battery posts (fender […]

Clutch Replacement

TOOLS: Tranny jack 2 or 3 ratchet straps porta power (this will make removing the cross member MUCH eaiser) A bottle jack and a piece of 4×4 will work in a pinch. Drill a hole in the end of the 4×4 to allow the bottle jack shaft to go in the 4×4 a couple of […]

Cummins 12V Idle Adjustment

Adjusting the idle speed on the diesel engine is not difficult. The adjustment is located on the driver side of the injector pump near the rear of the pump. You will need a 10 mm wrench. Correct speed is: 1994-1998 with AT – in drive with AC on 750 -800 RPM 1994-1998 with manual in […]

Dodge Cummins 12V Dowel Repair

Several people on the TDR website showed interest in learning more about the work involved in replacing a broken timing gear housing from damage caused by the upper dowel pin working its way loose. You first remove the bumper, fan, radiator and loosen the A/C condenser. It is possible to remove the intercooler without breaking […]

Superchips Installation Guide 3705

Click the link below for the pdf version of the Superchips Installation Guide for the 3705 Superchips Installation Guide for the 3705

12V Cummins Governor Spring Kit

CAUTION:If you intend to operate the engine over 3200 rpm, you should replace the engine valve springs with a heavy-duty type. If you do not have heavy-duty exhaust springs installed please call PDR for further instructions. Estimated completion time: (First time installer) 1.5 hours Things you will need to complete this project: 1. 7/16″ deep […]

Cummins 12V Idle Adjustment Q&A

Subject: [RTML] Cummins idle speed How do I adjust the idle speed on my Ram diesel? The idle speed seems too high. First, trace the accelerator linkage to the connection on the fuel pump. With the ENGINE OFF have someone floor the accelerator and watch the fuel arm move. The best position I can describe […]

Ford 6.0L Powerstroke Fast Idle Modification

This mod article will walk you through the steps of installing a Fast Idle Switch. Application: ’05 6.0 PSD with Torque Shift Transmission.   Tools Required: 10mm socket with extension and ratchet Wire striper, cutter, crimp tool At least 5 feet of wire (12-14 gauge, color is user defined) 2 sets of butt or spade […]

Stewart Warner B752 Full Pillar Pod Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B752 Full Pillar Pod Install Sheet Stewart Warner B752 Full Pillar Pod Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]

Turbo Comparison Photos

Here are some comparison photos of After Market Turbos compared to Stock Equipment Click on images for a larger view. Thanks To : Henry H Wyatt II From left to right 02′ Stock, HX 40, HT3B (from piers street twin setup) HY35 vs B 1-2 Thanks To : Bill Soule

Hunting For Horsepower by Alligator Performance

It was a busy Saturday. Trucks were lined up in the vacant lots behind Alligator Performance waiting to get dyno’d. This was Alligator Performance’s first event – and for a small, relatively new company, this was a big event. Alligator Diesel Performance opened their doors in Las Vegas in 2005. In 2009, they moved to […]

24V Piston Specs

Descriptions Specifications Piston Skirt Diameter 101.864 – 101.88 mm / 4.0104 – 4.011 in Ring Grove Clearance Intermediate Oil Control     0.095 mm / 0.0037 in 0.085 mm / 0.0033 in Top Ring 0.35 – 0.45 mm / 0.014 – 0.0177 in Intermediate 0.85 – 1.15 mm / 0.0334 – 0.0452 in Oil Control […]

Installing Upfitter Switches in 2005 and Newer Ford Super-Dutys

If you want to add a few aftermarket options to your new Ford Super Duty, Ford Motor Company makes things easy for you. One of the options you can select from the factory is the “UPFITTER SWITCH” option. This is a bank of four switches, with fuses and associated relays, that provide two 30 amp […]