Post Your Successful Diesel Mods At Dieseldatabase

Have you completed a successful mod on your diesel truck? and did you take pictures and discovered tips that might help others? Your post is welcome here. All you have to do is register on this site. Then contact us via the the contact form on the ABOUT page (see menu), letting us know you […]

Rotary Axis Supply Pump Installation 24V CTD

[thanks to K-O Engineering] Click the link for the pdf version of the RASP installation manual for the 24V CTD motor. RASP installation manual

Dodge Cummins Ebrake ECM Hookup

Using the ECM to Control Non-Jacobs Exhaust Brakes You will need this pigtail to connect the brake wiring to the ECM. Cummins Part Number: 3824810 Connect the pigtail show above to pin 20 of the ECM Schematic for the Dodge/Jacobs e-brake system connected to the ECM You will need to adapt your e-brake installation to […]

Hunting For Horsepower by Alligator Performance

It was a busy Saturday. Trucks were lined up in the vacant lots behind Alligator Performance waiting to get dyno’d. This was Alligator Performance’s first event – and for a small, relatively new company, this was a big event. Alligator Diesel Performance opened their doors in Las Vegas in 2005. In 2009, they moved to […]

7.3L Powerstroke Custom Fuel System

Bigger injectors require more fuel. Lots more fuel than what the oem system can put out. And the oem stuff has many faults, which just makes it that much more appealing to replace the whole darn system! I was planning on doing some work to the truck and I knew it would be laid up […]

Rust Prevention

Here’s a convenient and easy method of applying rust preventing solutions to inner panels and seams to control or avoid rust to various body seams. The nicest feature, is that you don’t have to remove interior panels to apply, just insert the feed hose into where you want to apply your rustproofing. The specific solutions […]

Stewart Warner B755 Memory Tachometer Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B755 Memory Tachometer Install Sheet Stewart Warner B755 Memory Tachometer Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]

Gauge Installation Prep

This is a NEW USERS guide to gauge install preparation. I wish that I had something similar to this when I started this project. So I have assembled the information in this document with the goal of helping people to prepare for installing gauges. Some of This information has been obtained from Turbo Diesel Registry […]

Cleaning Stickum Left From Vinyl

Just after the winter began winding down and the weather was beginning to warm up, I removed a large 30″ x 18″ vinyl sticker from the tailgate of my truck. No matter how much heat was applied, the back of the sticker refused to come loose. I tried everything, Goof-Off®, fingernail polish remover, paint thinner, […]

Another 24V Lift Pump Replacement Procedure

This is how I replaced the lift pump on my ’99 QC, 4×4. Not sure what variations may or may not accure on other models. Parts list…………..New lift pump, lift pump wire pig tail, banjo bolts washers (8), dielectric grease and approx 1/2 gallon of clean diesel. Tools ………. 3/8″ drive ratchet, 3 or 4 […]

Stewart Warner B774 In-Dash Mount Bracket Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B774 In-Dash Mount Bracket Install Sheet Stewart Warner B774 In-Dash Mount Bracket Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]

FASS Install

This link is the pdf file for the FASS Install guide. [Thanks Diesel Performance Products] FASS Install

Stewart Warner B806 Exhaust Temp Gauge Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B806 Exhaust Temp Gauge Install Sheet Stewart Warner B806 Exhaust Temp Gauge Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]

P Pump Cutaway

I snapped these Photos at SDX Aneroid Fuel Plate Governor Arm Governor Spring Cover and Throttle Cable Connection Point Governor Springs Pump Cam Delivery Valves Together

Bosch VP44 Fuel Injection Pump Replacement

This documentation is intended to be used as a visual overview only and is not meant to be used as a replacement for a service manual. Please consult your Dodge service manual for complete instructions on the removal and re-installation of an injection pump The truck in this project is a 2000 Dodge Ram 3500 […]

12V Cummins Governor Lever Adjustment

Here is the ins and outs of the secret governor lever adjustment This is a cut away view of the governor of a P7100 pump. Notice how the lever hit the cam plate flush at the very bottom edge. To check your adjustment the throttle lever needs to be moved until the lever just touches […]