Post Your Successful Diesel Mods At Dieseldatabase

Have you completed a successful mod on your diesel truck? and did you take pictures and discovered tips that might help others? Your post is welcome here. All you have to do is register on this site. Then contact us via the the contact form on the ABOUT page (see menu), letting us know you […]

Dodge 12V Cummins Throttle Cable Replacement

Throttle cable failure has been common on 1994 – 1998 12 valve diesel engines, usually after about 30,000 miles on the cable. I am now on my third cable, and am curious to see if the new design will be more reliable. Twice I have managed to replace my cable in the nick of time […]

Efficient Engine Montoring

PYRO: Temperatures will vary whenever the throttle is moved or the terrain changes. The peak number is the most important while towing, the ISB can be safely run up to 1450 for short bursts and 1350 all day long. This number is strongly affected by modifications weather it be Air flow or Fuel delivery. If […]

Pump Diagnosis

[Copyright Diesel Injection Service used with permission]

Glossary of Diesel Abbreviations

2WD Two Wheel Drive 4WD Four Wheel Drive AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact – used by many on mail lists and message boards ABS Anti-lock Brake System: Modulates braking pressure to control wheel lockup ACM Airbag Controller Module: monitors sensors and deploys airbag(s) in the event of an accident ACT Air Charge Temperature ACV […]

Old 12v Cummins Boost Guage Installation

1. A hole must be drilled and tapped into the intake crossover pipe for a boost source. 2. Remove the hose from the intake crossover pipe and push a rag well into the pipe past the point to be drilled and tapped. This will prevent chips from entering the engine. 3. Drill through the back […]

Control Module – ECMS

There are three computer modules which coordinate to control the Ram power train. Engine Control Module (ECM) – On the left side of the engine behind the fuel filter Fuel Injection Pump Control Module (FPCM) – On top of the injection pump Powertrain control module (PCM) – bolted to the Ram firewall under the hood […]

Gauge Installation Prep

This is a NEW USERS guide to gauge install preparation. I wish that I had something similar to this when I started this project. So I have assembled the information in this document with the goal of helping people to prepare for installing gauges. Some of This information has been obtained from Turbo Diesel Registry […]

12V Cummins Governor Lever Adjustment

Here is the ins and outs of the secret governor lever adjustment This is a cut away view of the governor of a P7100 pump. Notice how the lever hit the cam plate flush at the very bottom edge. To check your adjustment the throttle lever needs to be moved until the lever just touches […]

Turbo Comparison Photos

Here are some comparison photos of After Market Turbos compared to Stock Equipment Click on images for a larger view. Thanks To : Henry H Wyatt II From left to right 02′ Stock, HX 40, HT3B (from piers street twin setup) HY35 vs B 1-2 Thanks To : Bill Soule

Dodge 24V Cummins Oil Vent Solutions

Just Now dove in to modify my Oil vent which as you know is on the front…. on steep downhills, we lose a quart or 2 out the hose. ….. The solution is to make a vent on the valve cover like the N-14 Cummins has on the big truck I drive. First I ground […]

Serpentine Belt Replacement

Work performed on a 2002 Time Of Completion : 30 Mins Here’s my belt @ 48,000 miles may want to check yours out Tools Required : 1/2 Inch Drive Ratchet & an 1/2 to 3/8 reducer Parts Required : Here’s the Gatorback belt $33.50 at AutoZone; this part Number is for Models with A/C This […]

Gear Ratio Spreadsheet

Click the link below for the excel version of Gear Ratio Spreadsheet Gear Ratio Spreadsheet

Superchips 3705 Chart and Installation

Air Horns for 24V Dodge Cummins

I know of two companies who manufacture these BANKS Banks High Ram An intercooler increases the air density, which allows your engine to produce more power. So it stands to reason that you wouldn’t want to restrict the flow of air exiting the intercooler, right? Unfortunately, that’s exactly what the stock piece does. Look at […]

Dodge Cummins 24V Fuel Delivery

As you may know the 2nd Gen Vp44 Equip CTD has its share of fuel delivery problems. Here is a rough break down of actually what happening on a stock truck. The factory LP is working its self to death pulling the fuel all the way from the tank and it will stumble. When it […]