Post Your Successful Diesel Mods At Dieseldatabase

Have you completed a successful mod on your diesel truck? and did you take pictures and discovered tips that might help others? Your post is welcome here. All you have to do is register on this site. Then contact us via the the contact form on the ABOUT page (see menu), letting us know you […]

Stewart Warner B749 Gauge Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B749 Gauge Install Sheet Stewart Warner B749 Gauge Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]

Dodge 12V Cummins Throttle Cable Replacement

Throttle cable failure has been common on 1994 – 1998 12 valve diesel engines, usually after about 30,000 miles on the cable. I am now on my third cable, and am curious to see if the new design will be more reliable. Twice I have managed to replace my cable in the nick of time […]

Mixing Gasoline with Diesel Caution

At one time information was released suggesting that a small amount of gasoline mixed with diesel fuel for use in cold weather was an acceptable practice. This information was eventually retracted due to conditions that may result from such a mixture. First and foremost is a safety factor. The gasoline fumes from gasoline are very […]

Stewart Warner B754 Gauge Pods Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B754 Gauge Pods Install Sheet Stewart Warner B754 Gauge Pods Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]

Ford 7.3L Engine Removal – The REAL How To

After replacing my rear axle cover due to rust through, I noticed severe rust on the engine oil pan. I’ve had experiences with rusted oil pans in the past and knew this had to be taken care of soon, or I’d be doing it in the middle of an Ohio winter. Early October, 2001, I […]

Dodge Pickup VIN Decoding

The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) plate is located on the dash by the windshield near the left A-pillar. Position Interpretation Code Description 1 Country Of Orgin 3 Mexico 2 Make 8 Dodge 3 Vehicle type 6 Incomplete 7 Truck 4 Gross Vehicle Weight Rating K 8,001 – 9,000 M 10,001 – 14,000 5 Vehicle line […]

Ford 7.3L Diesel Fuel Tank Vent Mod

About one month after I completed the extraction and re-installation of the PSD from my truck, necessitated to replace a rusted out oil pan, I noticed diesel fuel on the floor of my garage under the rear of my truck.  Sure enough the steel rear fuel tank had also rusted through.  Why in the world […]

Ram Injector Specs

Fuel Injector ” Pop Off ” Pressure: 31,026 kPa (310 bars) or (4500 psi +/- 250 psi) Fuel Injector Leak Down Pressure: App 20 bars (291 psi) lower than pop pressure Fuel Injector Firing Order: 1-5-3-6-2-4

Dodge 24v Cummins Injector Replacement

Here is a sheet for replacing the injectors on a Dodge 24v Cummins [thanks to Diesel Dynamics] DD-Injector-Install-Instructions

Bosch VP44 Fuel Injection Pump Replacement

This documentation is intended to be used as a visual overview only and is not meant to be used as a replacement for a service manual. Please consult your Dodge service manual for complete instructions on the removal and re-installation of an injection pump The truck in this project is a 2000 Dodge Ram 3500 […]

Cummins 12V Idle Adjustment Q&A

Subject: [RTML] Cummins idle speed How do I adjust the idle speed on my Ram diesel? The idle speed seems too high. First, trace the accelerator linkage to the connection on the fuel pump. With the ENGINE OFF have someone floor the accelerator and watch the fuel arm move. The best position I can describe […]

Upgrading to 16cm Exhaust Housing

With this guide we have a donor charger so Removal of the charger is not included Refer to the Charger Swap Guide for further information Completion time: Less than 2 Hours Here’s a 16cm Holset Exhaust Housing Here’s the Exhaust Gasket Here’s the Oil Return Line Gasket Here’s the donor charger This set up is […]

7.3L Powerstroke Custom Fuel System

Bigger injectors require more fuel. Lots more fuel than what the oem system can put out. And the oem stuff has many faults, which just makes it that much more appealing to replace the whole darn system! I was planning on doing some work to the truck and I knew it would be laid up […]

24V Cummins Engine Diagram

24V Engine Diagram [click on image for larger version]

Bosch P7100 Fuel Pump Diagrams

Click on Image for a Larger View. Click on Image for a Larger View.