Post Your Successful Diesel Mods At Dieseldatabase

Have you completed a successful mod on your diesel truck? and did you take pictures and discovered tips that might help others? Your post is welcome here. All you have to do is register on this site. Then contact us via the the contact form on the ABOUT page (see menu), letting us know you […]

Velvet Ride Shackles

Velvet Ride Shackles, made by BF Goodrich Aerospace, are designed to replace the rear spring shackle, and create a more comfortable, less buck-board feel ride by absorbing some of the harsh bouncing of the stiff heavy duty springs. They basically use a rubber torsion device inside of the shackle.  I bought mine from 4 Wheel […]

Windshield Wiper Motor Replacement

[A] Gently pry up on the little tap this will release a small piece of metal that just slides under the gear. After clip is released you will have to pry the WSW bottom off the gear this is the bad part — took longer to get the WSW off the gear then it did […]

Vulcan Fittings

This is a comparison between a Vulcan fitting and your stock banjo set up. The Vulcan Fittings are CNC Stainless Steal and are avalible with a tap in them for running a Fuel Pressure gauge. Vulcans Fitting replace The Stock Banjo’s at the following locations : VP44 inlet Fuel Filter Housing Inlet Fuel Filter Housing […]

Triple Turbos on a Powerstroke Diesel

THREE Turbos on a PSD!?! Well, it just had to be done. And it was a lot easier the second time around! Click HERE to see the build-up of the Twins. Much the same work and process was involved to create Stage 3, HT4B into HT3B into OEM Garrett. I really don’t know what to […]

Mixing Gasoline with Diesel Caution

At one time information was released suggesting that a small amount of gasoline mixed with diesel fuel for use in cold weather was an acceptable practice. This information was eventually retracted due to conditions that may result from such a mixture. First and foremost is a safety factor. The gasoline fumes from gasoline are very […]

Installing a Throttle Body Spacer

That I take my vehicles to a mechanic, even for minor problems, makes me spoiled in some respects. Though I have disciplined myself to change wiper blades, fuses and light bulbs. Nonetheless, when I looked the throttle body spacer over, I took up the challenge to install the unit myself. This isn't a hard one. […]

Rust Prevention

Here’s a convenient and easy method of applying rust preventing solutions to inner panels and seams to control or avoid rust to various body seams. The nicest feature, is that you don’t have to remove interior panels to apply, just insert the feed hose into where you want to apply your rustproofing. The specific solutions […]

Custom Fuel System

Bigger injectors require more fuel. Lots more fuel than what the oem system can put out. And the OEM stuff has many faults, which just makes it that much more appealing to replace the whole darn system! I was planning on doing some work to the truck and I knew it would be laid up […]

24V Piston Specs

Descriptions Specifications Piston Skirt Diameter 101.864 – 101.88 mm / 4.0104 – 4.011 in Ring Grove Clearance Intermediate Oil Control     0.095 mm / 0.0037 in 0.085 mm / 0.0033 in Top Ring 0.35 – 0.45 mm / 0.014 – 0.0177 in Intermediate 0.85 – 1.15 mm / 0.0334 – 0.0452 in Oil Control […]

Weekend On The Edge 2006

You could title this: My travels with Lem – Part II. Here we are on the road to the Weekend on the Edge event hosted by Edge Products of Ogden, Utah. The race is at the Rocky Mountain Raceway in West Valley City, Utah. This photo was taken at a rest stop in Montana. Funny, […]

Clutch Replacement

Start inside the truck. With a Phillips remove the screws holding the shift boot and slide it up. Remove shifter with 3/4″ or 19mm wrench. Pop up transfer case shifter boot and remove bolt/s. Pull out rubber inserts in cupholders and remove bolt/s. Remove plastic shroud. Unbolt shifter boot. Unbolt shift tower carefully and tape […]

Installing a Banks Technicooler

Breathing is one of the basic elements of life. That’s the way God made our bodies and it is embodied in the DNA of the diesel engine. It is ironic that when diesel enthusiasts talk about mods, the first element that comes up is most always the chip. No chip, however, can develop its full […]

Dodge Cummins Ebrake ECM Hookup

Using the ECM to Control Non-Jacobs Exhaust Brakes You will need this pigtail to connect the brake wiring to the ECM. Cummins Part Number: 3824810 Connect the pigtail show above to pin 20 of the ECM Schematic for the Dodge/Jacobs e-brake system connected to the ECM You will need to adapt your e-brake installation to […]

Cummins 12V Fuel PreFilter Cleaning

The maintenance schedule in the owners manual indicates the “strainer” should be cleaned at 12000 mile intervals at the same time the fuel filter is replaced. This is for both the “A” and “B” maintenance schedules. In the instructions in the service manual for replacing the fuel filter it states “Whenever the fuel filter is […]

Stewart Warner B833 Gauge Ultra Shift Light Install Sheet

Click the link below for the pdf version of Stewart Warner B833 Gauge Ultra Shift Light Install Sheet Stewart Warner B833 Gauge Ultra Shift Light Install Sheet [thanks to Stewart Warner used with permission]